When You Walk Into the Room…

Written by Pastor Dale Culbertson

Apr 28, 2021

Here’s a concept you probably haven’t thought about:  The Father God is at rest; He has ceased from His labors.

So does that mean God’s doing nothing?  Of course not.

At Father God’s right hand – at His power arm – sits Jesus.  Jesus has not ceased from His labors.  The Bible tells us that He’s mankind’s High Priest, offering up His Blood which never loses its power.  It’s the Blood of the sacrifice that takes away the sin of mankind; Jesus performs the high priestly function and oversees that.

So what about the third member of our triune God, the Holy Spirit?  The Holy Spirit is God’s presence in this earth.

But where does the Holy Spirit reside?  In us.  Consequently, we become God’s presence in this earth.

The Holy Spirit’s position is misunderstood.  We sing songs that refer to Jesus that say, “When You walk into the room, everything changes.”  But remember, Jesus is at the right hand of the Father God.  So who’s coming in the room?  It’s the body of Christ…the Church.

Let me ask you: How many times have you allowed things to change when you’ve walked into a room?

A few days ago, we were at a restaurant.  The waitress came up to us and I realized she was limping.  Then, in the midst of small talk with her, she started telling us some things about her daughter.

All of a sudden, I got a real boldness and I could sense that God was wanting to change something in her life.  I yielded to that and told her, “I’ve got to pray for you.”  She didn’t know quite how to respond to that but she allowed it, and both Dana and I prayed for her.

We believe that the Spirit of God was changing the atmosphere in her home, in her life, in her knees – everything changing – because we chose to made a step and speak out.

Vulnerable Fools?  Obedient Believers!

We have to start allowing ourselves to be counted as vulnerable – or fools before men – to make a difference in people’s lives.  The problem is, people are worried too much about who people think they are; we need to stop all that foolishness and understand that God has placed a value upon us!  And since God has placed value upon each one of us, why don’t we trust Him to empower us?

The moment you step beyond the foolishness of man and step into a place of obedience and belief in God, people will say, “Surely God is in this place.”

God wants to change some circumstances, not only in other people but in how you see yourself.  Why?  Creation itself is waiting for you to understand this and then respond!

“Our lives now represent the one event every creature anticipates with held breath, standing on tip-toe as it were to witness the unveiling of the sons of God.  Can you hear the drum-roll?” – Romans 8:19 (MIRROR)

IF you’re a Christian, the Holy Spirit is in you right now.  But for some Christians, I believe the Holy Spirit is just crying out, “LET ME WORK!  Allow Me to do what I want to do through you!”

Remind yourself of these truths:

1. We are the daughters and sons of the King of kings!  Romans 8:16 reminds us of this fact as does Galatians 4:6.

2. We’re seated with Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6).  After all, we are called the body of Christ!

3. We have God-given authority!  (Matthew 18:18)  We’re His personal representatives!

4. We have been given an assignment by God!  Mark 16:15-18 tells us to go into the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  Jesus said when we did this, signs would follow in His Name: we’d cast out demons, speak with new tongues, take up serpents, lay hands on the sick, and if we drink anything deadly it would not hurt us.

5. Jesus is interceding for us!  Romans 8:34 is clear about that!

Knowing these things, we realize we’re not alone and that God has given us everything we need to do what He’s called us to do!  So walk into the room with confidence, knowing the presence of God is in you to bring change to lives!


To watch the April 25, 2021 message on which this post is based, click here.

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