The Time Has Come for Hope, Joy and Peace!

Written by John Culbertson

Dec 23, 2021

A Christmas, we focus in on the fact that the time has come for us to have hope in Christ.  It’s not only having hope, but peace and joy, regardless of our current circumstance.

People who don’t have a relationship with Jesus don’t understand how we can still be at peace while we’re going through what we’re going through.

“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” – GALATIANS 4:4-5 (NKJV)

Why did the words of this scripture take place?  It was to redeem us!  There are three things that should come to you when you hear about your redemptions: hope, joy and peace!  It’s important to recognize these three things; otherwise, you’re going to live defeated, downcast, oppressed and unable to see that you have a future!

So many people live their lives only looking at what has or is happening to them, rather than realizing what happened FOR them through Jesus!  They have no joy because they’re driven by circumstances instead of being rooted in God’s Word.

They think they can’t be at peace with God because they’re sinners – that God is angry with them and doesn’t want to fellowship with them – and so they’re on the outs with God.

That’s a rough way to live!

But Matthew 12:21 reminds us, “And His name will be the hope of all the world.”  God has already forgiven them!  This verse doesn’t say “some” of the world…it says Jesus’ name will be the hope of ALL the world!  He came to us because He is love!  Jesus came to earth to give hope to the hopeless!  No one is excluded; everyone is included!

“No one is excluded; everyone is included!”

You can’t do enough to change Jesus’ mind about you!  His love for you is greater than your sin against Him.

So what’s in His name?  Look at Isaiah 9:

“6 For a child is born to us, a son is given to us.  The government will rest on his shoulders.  And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  7 His government and its peace will never end.  He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David for all eternity.  The passionate commitment of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will make this happen!” – ISAIAH 9:6-7 (NLT)

Wonderful Counselor – God has advice on any situation and guidance for your life.  No situation is too much or too deep for His counsel.

Mighty God – There isn’t a situation big enough to stop your mighty God!  Magnify Him – not the circumstances – and see the concerns shrink!

Everlasting Father –  The love of the Father is everlasting; it never ends, and you can never be separated from it!

Prince of Peace – Jesus came to establish peace in your life!  There will be no end to His peace.  We are supposed to allow His peace to rule our lives, not be moved by every contradiction or circumstance!  Remember: the passionate commitment of the Lord of heaven’s armies will make this happen!

When the angels came to announce Jesus’ birth, they proclaimed (Luke 2:10-14), “Don’t be afraid!  I bring you good tidings of great joy and peace!”

This Christmas, keep in mind that God’s peace and joy are not only available TO you, but to all the world THROUGH you…Christ IN you, the hope of glory!


To watch the full Dec. 19, 2021 service on which this post is based, CLICK HERE.

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