The Power of Light

Written by Mark Gerner

Sep 22, 2020

As we continue with this month’s series, “Light It Up,” let’s have some fun with some astronomy trivia about light; it might just change your thinking about how important it is to let the light of Jesus shine in the darkness.

Did you know it takes 499 seconds for the light of the sun to reach the earth?  In addition, it takes 431 years for the light from the North Star (Polaris) – one of the brightest stars in the sky – to reach our eyes.  If you look at Polaris tonight, the light you see the light that Polaris actually emitted 431 years ago (that would be back in 1589 A.D.)!

The light from Polaris travels an amazing distance to get here: 2,533,691,889,294,000 miles!

The interesting thing about this is 1) how far light can travel and still be seen, and 2) how much time light can travel and still be effective in lighting up the darkness.

“You are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” – MATTHEW 5:14-16

Have you ever considered just how powerful and long-lasting the revelation (light) of the Gospel within you is?  And have you considered how consistent it is, regardless of who it inhabits (including you)?

Common Men

From what can be gleaned from the Bible, the disciples were common folk.  At least four of them (possibly seven) were fishermen; one was a tax collector, another an anarchist or politician.  They were young – in their teens and 20s – yet the Savior of mankind chose to use them to impart the life-changing Gospel.

As Pastor John has shared in weeks past, all mankind was created in the image of God.  That hasn’t changed.  God can use any vessel and He wants to; we just must be willing.

This works in two directions.  We must believe – knowing our imperfections – that God can and wants to use us.  We also must shine our light without precondition, judging other people’s perceived imperfections.  After all, who are we to judge who is worthy to know the love of God?  John 3:16 assures that whoever believes in Jesus will not perish.

So, knowing this, we need to let our light shine before everyone we encounter.  Each person is valuable to God.

In addition, we may think shining our light to an individual is just enlightening that one person, but that diminishes the true power of the light.

Think about the disciples again:  How many of these young men fathomed that 2,000 years later the light (revelation) that shown from them affected literally billions of people and is still continuing to change lives today?  How much effect does – and will – your light have in the future?

This ministry has witnessed multiple times when people come to church because their parents and grandparents – decades earlier – were impacted by the Gospel shared by someone here. Others have sought the Gospel’s light because a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend was affected positively and shared.

Time and distance are no boundaries to the light.  I’ve been told that shining my light changed the life of a boy who ended up ministering for years as an adult in Europe; he saw many people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus (people I’ve never met or seen).  Don’t discount the light within you!

The impact from shining your light can extend through generations and light years of distance.  The process begins through you when you are obedient to let your light shine instead of hiding it.

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