Repositioning as Standard-Bearers

Written by Mark Gerner

Apr 7, 2022

Repositioning as Standard-Bearers…

April 1-3, Scott and Ellen Coon from Global Connections International ministered at Hope City. What is posted here is a compilation / paraphrase of some of Ellen’s words during the April 1 service:

There’s a spirit of freedom in this house. It charges and makes the atmosphere electric. That’s important because the curse created a vacuum in this earth system – it’s been dumbed down with sickness and poverty and disease and depression and sin – and that has created a vacuum.

But Matthew 6:10 tells us, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” Jesus was crucified, went through death, hell and the grave, was raised again and now He’s not walking on earth anymore. He is seated by the Father God.

Now, if Jesus’ kingdom is going to come as it is in heaven – and He’s in heaven – how is that going to happen? Through us. We are the living gateways on this earth. The curse created a vacuum, but we as believers are full with God’s fullness. When there is a vacuum, it’s just sucking and drawing and withdrawing what is on the inside of us!

The world hungers and longs and looks for the manifestations of the sons of God. They long for the manifestations of signs and wonders and miracles and healings and deliverances. And we have inside information (because we’re seated with Christ in heavenly places) to be able to give kingdom things to the world.

In Like a Flood

Isaiah 59 tells us, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” People concentrate on the enemy coming in and flooding them with adversity and circumstances. But in reality, when the enemy comes, IN LIKE A FLOOD the Sprit will raise up a standard!

Who is the standard-bearer? The body of Christ! We release from our mouth and from our heart; it should flood out of us! We should have a zero tolerance for anything that does not line up to the Gospel of righteousness. Everything that God has predetermined is right for you. Everything that He’s inherited in Christ and then Christ inherited us He has put all of that in us…made us His identical twin. So, if anything’s affecting me that doesn’t look just like Him, guess what? There needs to be a standard raised up against that. Who’s going to do that?

Too often we waiting on God to come to raise up the standard, but we’re the standard. When I said there’s a spirit of freedom in this place, do you know that faith is the spirit of freedom? When your faith marries His desire, the atmosphere becomes combustible and demonstration is ignited; the atmosphere becomes charged.

“So, faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God” – ROMANS 10:17

Where the Word is made known – where there is a constant diet and an overflow of divine revelation knowledge – ears pop open, bodies get well, cancers die.

God has given us dominion. It’s something we are, not something we’re trying to obtain. We dominate in this earthly realm.

Jesus told the Pharisees in John 8, “You are from beneath; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.” Your faith will take you out of this world. Your faith will take you out of pain, depression and sickness. Your faith will transition you to the gates of this city. The Holy Spirit is transitioning, stationing in us and positioning us for access: It’s where business transpires; its where you decide what comes and goes.

Through your mouth, you raise up the standard and you determine what’s coming and going in this city. You are going to determine how free this city is going to be. The same atmosphere that is in this house belongs in this entire city.

Habakkuk 2:1 says (Ellen’s version), “I will station myself; I will position myself. I will put myself in a place where I look to see what He is saying.” We do this by living in His presence and in His Word, and by letting this standard flood like a blast of breath from heaven.

Repositioning as Standard-Bearers

You are born of faith to be bearers of faith. Don’t relax your faith in these hours and in this season. It’s a repositioning for us too; for years, we have enjoyed the presence and atmosphere of the Spirit. But we are moving from navigating the Spirit into administrating the Spirit.

The Scott and Ellen Coon meetings can be watched by clicking here: FRIDAY NIGHT, SATURDAY NIGHT, and SUNDAY MORNING.

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