Pursuing Healing

Written by John Culbertson

Oct 28, 2021

God is no respecter of persons; He doesn’t pick and choose.  Jesus died for everyone, once for all time for all humanity.  So when it comes to God’s promises (and we’ve been talking about healing the past several weeks), there’s no question if God will “do it” for you.  He has already done it for you.

Just accept it and go with it!

Where is the healing power of God sourced from?  It’s from His love for us!  1 Corinthians 13:8 reminds us that God’s love never fails; it never stops or decreases in intensity.  Love never slows down, it’s never turned off or held up.  His love is continuing to flow to us, for us and in us.  And it’s God’s love for us which is how healing power is made available to us.

“His love is continuing to flow to us, for us and in us.”

Galatians 5:6 tells us that faith works through love.  I contend that God was pursuing healing for us – to make it available to us – when He sent Jesus.  Psalms 107:20 doesn’t say He would send His Word if you’ve done enough; it’s already been done.

Believe it; receive it!

Look back at Adam and Eve.  Even when Adam committed treason against God, God did not abandon humanity.

Remember, God met with Adam and Eve on a daily basis.  How could he quit on His creation, leaving us to our destruction?  He looked into His creation – made in His image and likeness – and saw Himself.

He couldn’t.

He didn’t.

He wouldn’t.

Let’s take it a step further: When God looks at us, He sees Jesus, but, when God looks at Jesus, He sees us!  We’re one. How can that be??

“But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” – 1 CORINTHIANS 6:17 (NLT)

This truth has to be realized and accepted by people.  People don’t see themselves as righteous; they see themselves as sinners (and therefore they go and produce fruit from sin).  But if God’s Word is truth, we need to see ourselves as righteous so we produce fruits of righteousness!

The word “ONE” in this verse is “heis”…it means “singular; one to the exclusion of another.”  You are joined in one spirit with the Lord.

In marriage, we think about unity and covenant – two becoming one – and we think about natural things such as the sexual relationship…but it’s so much more than this carnal fleshly standpoint.  The main reason that two become one isn’t for a sexual union, but it’s for a spiritual union where the two become one like Adam and Eve originally were when God took Eve out of Adam.  The two that were separated become one again as one spirit!

We are one spirit with Christ.  God is love.  By conclusion, we are love.  If we are love, we have no fear of punishment.

What in the world does this have to do with healing?  I’m getting there…

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.  But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.  We love Him because He first loved us.” – 1 JOHN 4:18-19 (NKJV) 

The word “torment” in the Greek means “correction, punishment, penalty.”  The curse brought punishment and penalty, but love brought grace and mercy.  Jesus loved us; He died for us and made it possible for us to become one with Him.

The nature of God is that He pursued us through Jesus, Who willingly gave His life so we could be free from the curse and punishment.

Pursuing healing is putting action toward it.  Faith without action is dead.  Part of that is recognizing that sickness is not something you were given because God wanted to punish or correct or penalize you.  Remember, you and Jesus are one!  We are righteous!  Jesus said, “It is finished.”  We are brought back to the original intent of God in creation, for us to be one with Him!

In that realm, health and wholeness is complete.  In Him, there’s nothing missing and nothing lacking!

The enemy will try to distract you from this reality, which is why we need to actively pursue the truth of God’s Word (which is His promise).


To watch the full October 24, 2021 message on which this post is based, CLICK HERE.




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