Peace: A Vital Sign of a Healthy Believer

Written by Ron Yates

Feb 11, 2021

Mental health is just as important as physical health. When you start digging into what God says about the mind, you cannot exhaust it. There’s a treasure trove in God’s Word that reveals not only the way God created us, but also how much He understands us and how to make things function in us.  It’s important to walk in peace.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” – ISAIAH 26:3 (NKJV)

Who keeps you in perfect peace? God. Why? Because you keep your mind stayed on Him! That means peace is always available; but, sometimes people don’t tap into it.  We don’t enjoy it in our lives because we don’t keep our minds stayed on God.

News outlets and all the things going around on various media platforms are doing everything they can to keep our minds focused on one thing: fear. Why? Because fear can control your life.  But if you keep your mind stayed on God, He’ll keep you in perfect peace, no matter what goes on around you.

The word “peace” in Isaiah 26:3 is the word shalom. One of the definitions is “nothing missing/nothing broken.” Jesus lived a life of nothing missing/nothing broken; then, He became broken so we could become whole.

“Jesus became broken so we could become whole.”

Jesus was betrayed; yet He still chose to lay down His life and say that we were more valuable to Him than Himself! Our life had more value to Jesus than His own!  My brain goes on tilt when I think about that, but my heart sees and knows it…and rejoices in it! The Cross is still the answer!

Other definitions for the word shalom include “completeness in number, safety, soundness in body, welfare, peace, health and prosperity.” Our Heavenly Father says, “If you keep your mind stayed on Me, I’m going to keep you in these!”

Think about it! Constant safety, constant peace, constant welfare, constant prosperity (and I’m not talking just about money…prosperity is being successful in everything you do).

You keep your mind stayed on Him because you trust Him. You’ve judged God faithful.

In the book of Genesis is the account of Sarah and Abraham. Although Abraham was nearly 100 years old and Sarah was barren, God promised she would bear a son and she would be “the mother of nations” and that “kings of peoples” would come from her and Abraham’s linage.

“By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful Who had promised.” – HEBREWS 11:11 (NKJV)

Sarah judged God faithful when God said, “You’re going to have a child.” Because she judged God faithful, she received power to conceive seed when it was humanly impossible for that to happen. It caused enough power to go into her body to cause it to create life. She gave birth to a son!

Back to Isaiah 26:3…

The word “mind” in that verse means “your imagination” and “intellectual framework.”

A good and study framework

Many of you know that if you don’t have good framework in your house, it doesn’t stand. We’ve got the solid Foundation on which to build: Jesus. But it’s important that the framework built on that foundation is good and sturdy.

When we start spending our time thinking about what God has said about us – spending time meditating about what God said about us – it develops a strong mental framework of who we are in Christ. When you recognize who you are in Christ, you can’t help but walk in peace!

Part of that healthy mind-set is realizing we don’t have to perform before God but to rest in Him.

I don’t wonder if I did enough to get peace in the midst of situations and circumstances. Jesus already did everything on my behalf because He loved me more than His own life.  I don’t have to pay for my sins.

Colossians 3:2 tells us, “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” The mind fixed on God is a healthy mind. Why is that important? If you constantly set your mind on what’s temporary, it will leave you empty.  The Mirror Translation provides some insight:

“Becoming affectionately acquainted with throne room thoughts will keep you from being distracted again by the earthly [soul-ruled] realm.” – COLOSSIANS 3:2 (MIRROR)

It goes on to say in its commentary, “Whatever you face in your daily lives, acquaint yourselves with the greater reality: the things that are above! Do not engage the energy of the things that are below.”

Do you want peace? Keep your mind focused on what God has said about you…who you are in Christ. If you don’t know who you are, find out! There are plenty of resources on our website, on our Facebook at YouTube pages to help you learn!

To watch or listen to the Feb. 7, 2021 service on which this post was based, click here.

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