Repositioning as Standard-Bearers

Repositioning as Standard-Bearers

Repositioning as Standard-Bearers… April 1-3, Scott and Ellen Coon from Global Connections International ministered at Hope City. What is posted here is a compilation / paraphrase of some of Ellen’s words during the April 1 service: There’s a spirit of freedom...
2022: Your Year of Breakthrough

2022: Your Year of Breakthrough

In December, as I prayed, God clearly spoke to me about 2022 and the direction of our church.  He said that 2022 was our year of Breakthrough! Everyone has areas of their life where they need a breakthrough.  Whether it be healing, finances, breaking addiction,...
2022: Your Year of Breakthrough

The Beginning of Breakthrough!

2022 is your year of breakthrough!  It’s a time of revival, but it’s a BYOB revival.  (I know, some of you are thinking something different, but I’m talking BYO breakthrough). Personally, I’m looking for revival to break loose. I want to look...
The Secret Ingredient – Thanksgiving

The Secret Ingredient – Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time you get together with family; hopefully, it’s a time when you think about what you’re thankful for.  It’s a time (though it’s should be all year long) when we express our thankfulness to God. “No, dear brothers and...
Why We Speak!

Why We Speak!

August 10, 2021 was not a good day for my wife and I.  As we were returning to southern Indiana after dropping our daughter back at college up north, we were rear ended by a yellow pick-up truck travelling around 100 mph!  He knocked us over into a concrete barrier. ...