Healing is Here!  How Do I Know?

Healing is Here! How Do I Know?

Healing is Here! How Do I Know? Healing is here! How do I know this? Because I know it’s God’s will for you and me to be healed! Let me show you from God’s Word. 19 “Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and He saved them out of...


We’re starting a new series call Faith-Full. See, God is faithful! He’s not only faithful, but He’s full of faith, and He made us in His image and His likeness…so WE’RE supposed to be full of faith! Here’s the core scripture for this series: “Let us hold fast the...
From Sin to Glory!

From Sin to Glory!

From Sin to Glory Our sermon series has been “There is Freedom”.  A few weeks ago, I said there is freedom from sin. But God isn’t just in the business of setting us free from sin. That’s great and if that’s all it was then that would be awesome! But God...
From Sin to Glory!

Window Shopping

Are you window shopping? Is that a good thing or bad? We’re about to find out. Let me lay some groundwork first. In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus quoted Isaiah when talking about Himself. One of the things He announced was that He was anointed “to proclaim the acceptable year...
Freedom from the Echo

Freedom from the Echo

Jerrold Bookman was a speaker at Hope City’s 2022 Freedom Conference. This post shares a portion of his July 9 message dealing with Freedom from the Echo of your past. —————– The anointing is the burden-removing, yoke-destroying...