Hope City’s Mission, Vision, and Beliefs
The Bible
The Bible is the inspired, authoritative word of God. It is, in it’s entirety, the rule of faith and conduct.
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the only son of God who was concieved by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He was crucified, died, buried and rose three days later and ascended to Heaven and sits at the right hand of God.
Anyone who believes on Jesus Christ and confesses Him as their personal savior will receive salvation.
The Church
The Church is the fellowship of all Christians worldwide. Anyone who has sincerely accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are members of what is also called the Body of Christ and the Family of God. No one person is the church, but we are all members!
The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the unseen Spirit of the living God who was sent to Earth as an aid to believer’s. He leads us, guides us and is the avenue to faith.

What Do We Believe About Baptism?
We believe water baptism is an outward expression of an inward work. Water baptism is how a believer identifies with the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and is a testimony of that believer’s faith in Jesus as their Lord. Water Baptism does not save you: it let’s everyone know you are saved!
Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38, 8:36-39, 10:34-48; Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12

What Do We Believe About Communion?
We believe that Communion is a celebration of Jesus’ death and our remembrance of what He did for us on the cross. By partaking of these elements, we remember the freedom that Christ purchased for us and that all of God’s promises are ours in Christ!
Matthew 26:26; Luke 22:17-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16, 11:23-25
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our mission at Hope City Church is to share the goodness of God to bring hope and transformation in Christ.
The Culture of Hope City
Hunger | Humility | Honor | Hope
Hunger – Hunger for the Word of God and Fellowship with other believers. (Matthew 5:6; 1 Peter 2:2)
Humility – We humble ourselves, die to ourselves, and allow God to lift us up. We understand this life is not about us but our life in Christ! (Phillipians 2:8; James 4:10)
Honor – We honor the Word and place it as the preeminient authority in our lives. This allows us to honor the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and fellow believers. (1 Samuel 2:30; John 5:23)
Hope – Knowing God and His promises give us hope that cannot be moved! It is our anchor in this life that allows our faith to bring it to manifestation! (Colossians 1:27; Hebrews 6:19)

Discover More Through Our Blog!
All In
All In We are continuing our series All In! It is an excellent time to be at Hope City! God has been calling us to walk closer, and we have responded. We are a hungry church, and we want more of God! Sometimes, it can be hard to believe that God wants us to be close...
We Don’t Need More Faith
You heard me correctly! We Don't Need More Faith! "Wait a minute, Mark...Pastor John's been telling us that 2023 is The Year Our Faith Takes Center Stage! I've got to increase my faith, to grow it! Faith's like a muscle...you've got to work it! Pump it up! The more...
You are a V.I.P. in the Kingdom!
You are a V.I.P. in the Kingdom! This month, we start a new sermon series called V.I.P. We all know what that stands for, right? It stands for Very Important Person. I have good news for you. In the eyes of God, we are ALL very important people. We are so...
Hope City Church is family. Spirit led, Bible truth preaching, and the BEST Praise and Worship ever! Your first time you’re a visitor after that you’re FAMILY! The Pastors are fulfilling their calling and have servant hearts as Jesus did. The family that I gained at Hope City Church has taught me, poured into my life, and completely changed the direction that my life was heading. Hope City will help you to grow in every area of life. I LOVE HOPE CITY CHURCH!!!