How Can I Make A Difference?


Get Involved!

There’s really no better way to grow as a Christian than to serve others. Jesus came to Earth not to be served, but to serve humanity (Matthew 20:28). You don’t have to serve the whole world to be going in the right direction, you can serve right here at Hope City! Ministry can’t be done by one person, it takes every part of the body functioning together to propel a mission forward. There’s many departments here at Hope City that you can serve in! Take a look at some of the Dream Teams we have and consider signing up for our Growth Track class to see where you would fit best!

What Can I Do?

Click Through To See Our Dream Teams!

Worship Team

Our team facilitates a powerful, on-stage worship experience through utilizing the skills of vocalists and instrumentalists.
*Audition required

Welcome Team

Our team greets people to Hope City as soon as they drive or walk on our campus. They hand out service resources at the entrance to the main sanctuary and assists them with anything that’s needed with a smile. This team works closely with the ushers.

Usher Team

Our team assists people to their seats, facilitates the offering and communion, and helps maintain a distraction-free service environment. This team works in conjunction with the welcome team.

Production Team

Our team facilitates a powerful, distraction-free worship experience through the use of lighting, video technology, and audio engineering.
*Development/training opportunities

Pop-Up Grill Team

Our team of volunteers preps food, serves meals, and prays for anyone who attends our weekly feeding program, Pop-Up Grill. This team meets every Friday at 11 for prep and begins serving food at Noon.

Small Groups Team

Our team is trained to facilitate Small Groups by creating environments where people can experience community, find freedom, and grow in their relationship with Jesus.

Hospitality Team

Our team is a group of volunteers dedicated to providing a welcoming environment for our congregation and guests. They occasionally decorate, cook, and/or clean for special church-family lunches, parties, or events.

Nursery/Preschool Team

Our team serves children 6 weeks through Kindergarten and offers them the opportunity to hear the life-giving message of Jesus through Bible stories, worship, prayer, and hands-on activities
*Background check required

Hope City Youth Team

Our team serves kids in 6th grade through high school each Wednesday night evening by facilitating an opportunity for them to experience God through worship, teaching, and having fun together.
*Background check required

Hope City Kids Team

Our team sows into the lives of children who are in 1st through 5th grade by giving them the opportunity to discover and develop a passion for God through Bible teaching, worship, small groups, prayers, and games.
*Background check required

Growth Track Team

Our team serves as the hosts of the Growth Track, greeting guests, providing materials and assistance to those discovering their next steps at Hope City.

So, What’s Next?

Enroll in Growth Track!

What is Growth Track? Growth Track is a class we offer every 6 months. It is a short class after Sunday Service that helps you get to know Hope City better. You’ll go over our mission and vision statement. You’ll discover the heart of the ministry and what The Lord has specifically told us to do. You’ll also learn a little about YOU! What are your giftings? What does God have in store for you? What dream team is God calling you to serve in? If you have any interest, click this button to enroll in our next Growth Track class!