Jesus is the Ultimate Chain-Breaker

Written by John Culbertson

Apr 21, 2022

Jesus is the ultimate chain-breaker.

Our series core scripture has been 2 Timothy 2:9 (TPT) which states in part that “the Word of God can never be chained!”

John 1:1 tells us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jesus is the Word of God made manifest in the flesh; you can continue reading in John 1 and see that. If the Word of God can’t be chained, then Jesus cannot be chained.

Jesus is the ultimate chain-breaker. Yet, He died and went to Hell. But then, He was resurrected.

What is Resurrection Power?

“The Spirit of God, Who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.” – ROMANS 8:11 (NLT)

We see Who raised Jesus (the Spirit of God), but what did He use to raise Jesus? Let me back up a minute and talk about the Holy Spirit’s job. It’s three things (you can find in John 16):

1) He going to convince the world of sin (convince you that you need a Savior because you can’t be good enough to get to Heaven or be right with God on your own).

2) Once you realize that and realize through Jesus you’ve been set free from sin, you realize that you’re righteous in the eyes of Father God. He will convince you of your righteousness.

3) He’s going to convince us of judgment, because the ruler of this world has already been judged. It has nothing to do with you and me being judged. Jesus took on all judgment on the Cross.

Romans 6:4 tells us that Jesus “was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father.” The glory is the empowering device – the truth – that the Holy Spirit used to raise Jesus from the dead.

Glory is defined as “opinion, judgment, or view.” When stated in the New Testament, it’s always a good opinion, resulting in praise and honor.”

From before the universe was created, Jesus was with His Father. John 17:5 (TPT) reminds us of this, when Jesus talked with His Father and said, “restore Me back to the glory that we shared together when we were face-to-face…”

Jesus went to the Cross with full knowledge that the glory of the Father would be restored. He knew that for a short time He would be separated from His Father, but then would be restored to newness of life, so Jesus went to the Cross willingly.

Throughout His life on earth, Jesus was reminded of His relationship with His Father. We see this at both His baptism (Matthew 3:17) and transfiguration (Matthew 17:5) when Father God proclaimed, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

So, when Jesus was forsaken by the Father at the Cross and bore humanity’s sin and judgment, it was something He had never dealt with before. Without that knowledge of who He was, He could not be resurrected. The Holy Spirit brought that resurrection power and told Jesus and convinced Him again Who He was.

In hell, the chain-breaker was fully covered with the chains meant for us. Jesus was perfect and death had no hold on Him. But once He took on all our sin, a wage of death was due (Romans 6:23).

Here is the scene: The perfect Lamb of God, Jesus, Who was one with the Father for eternity, is now separated from Him because of our sin. Jesus is in hell, chained there and receiving all the punishment humanity deserved.

But God would not forget the prophecies. God would not allow His Holy One to see corruption. (Psalm 16:10)

At the same time, Jesus had to hold on to the same prophecies and by faith go to the Cross. By faith He died and placed His trust in His faithful God.

Jesus willingly took on every chain so He could show us how to break free from them! He is the ultimate chain-breaker

The separation was real. The darkness was real. The death was real. All seemed like the enemy won. Who will be the ultimate chain-breaker?

Now, the Holy Spirit enters hell and brings with Him the glory of God concerning Jesus! God’s opinion or view of Jesus was about to be restored. The Holy Spirit released God’s opinion of Jesus while He was imprisoned in chains and tormented in hell. He became the ultimate chain-breaker.

That glory birthed new life in Jesus! A new life that only can be born from above! He saw who God said He was – “YOU ARE MY SON IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED!”

This revelation of God’s view of Him broke Him free from every chain that held Him down! God’s glory birthed in Jesus resurrection power!!

Jesus, the ultimate chain-breaker was freed from death, hell, and the grave by the opinion or view God the Father had of Him.

The same way the glory freed Jesus is the same way the glory will free you! How did Jesus become the ultimate chain-breaker? He became bound with every chain so he could become the ultimate chain-breaker for us. He became the atonement for the sins of the people. Jesus our ultimate chain-breaker did it for us.

“For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection,” – ROMANS 6:5 (NKJV)

The good news is, that same resurrection power is available to you right now! The ultimate chain-breaker, Jesus made it available. The power to break off every chain in your life is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. What situation in your life do you need resurrected? What seems dead? There is life in Christ! He is the ultimate chain-breaker.

(We were dead in OUR spirits, destined for Hell, but the glory of God looked at us and said “NO! I will not let go of you!”)

Just as with Jesus, God’s opinion (glory) concerning you is, “This is my child, in whom I am well pleased!” Receive that truth and walk in the chain-free resurrected life Jesus has paid the price for!

Watch the April 17, 2022 post on which this post was based: CLICK HERE. 

For more messages in the Chain Breakers series click here.

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