Healing Is Here…If You Say So!

Written by John Culbertson

Sep 30, 2021

Does everybody have full 100% manifestation of healing in their body?  It’s a question people have difficulty answering at times.  We have some work to do, laboring to rest in God’s promise of healing.

We’re not the sick trying to be healed; we’re the healed, holding onto our healing.  The enemy tries to deceive us and make us think that we don’t have our healing, but that’s a lie.

Don’t be Ruled by Your Senses

The problem people seem to have more times than not is that they are ruled by their senses (emotions), so that whenever they have a feeling – a pain – they think they’re not healed; they think they are sick.

As Christians, we need to make sure that we don’t place more value on what we see or feel over what we know, scripturally.

“while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” – 2 CORINTHIANS 4:18

Don’t give things that are seen more importance than the things that you can’t see.  Why?  Because the things you can’t see are actually things that created everything that you can see.


How did God create everything “in the beginning”?  There was nothing, and He spoke.  He spoke words and those words created the world.  He created everything that we see!

We were made in God’s image and likeness.  We have God’s kind of faith.  So how are we to impact our world?  Speak God’s words over a situation so it can create the God situation in your life!

The Law of Confession

The moment I use the words “law of confession,” some people will say, “Oh, you’re part of the ‘name it and claim it’ crowd.”  Well?  What does God’s Word say?  It’s not just saying words…it’s believing the words that you say!

There are plenty of people who just say things without a shred of belief.  They’re not rooted in God’s Word; they just say things and then – when it doesn’t come to pass – they blame God.  They use the rationale, “I said this just like the Bible says to do but it didn’t happen.”  But there is so much wrong with that statement.

First off, did you actually believe it?  Secondly, who says it hasn’t happened?  Just because you haven’t seen it yet (remember 2 Cor. 4:18), doesn’t mean His word isn’t working.

The Law of Confession works both positively or negatively.  Nevertheless, it’s always working.

For example, I knew someone who was always saying, “I have to get the flu shot because if I don’t, I will get the flu.”  Guess what?  A lot of times he got the flu (whether he got the flu shot or not)!  His words had more power and belief in what he said, than even something that would help him.  He believed he was going to get the flu…and he did.

It’s so important to watch when we say.  Don’t say something if it’s wrong, if it doesn’t line up with what God’s Word says about you.  Don’t say it!

Remember the words of James 1:19 (Mirror Bible):  “Consequently my beloved friends, when you are faced with temptation, give your immediate attention to the Word that reveals your true origin; do not ponder the contradiction.  Rather remain silent, than to quickly give your vote and voice to the emotions that arise in the heat of the moment!”

To be continued (October 14th’s post)…


To watch the entire September 26, 2021 message on which this post is based, CLICK HERE.




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