Grace Through the Fire

Written by Mark Gerner

Sep 3, 2020

Part of knowing God’s relentless grace is the realization that no matter what the devil throws at you, God is still your deliverer.  An example of that in the Old Testament is shown by three Jewish youths: Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah.  If you have read the book of Daniel, you’d know them by the names given them by their Chaldean captors: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Though raised in the traditions of the Chaldeans, the three kept their Jewish beliefs.  Though they served faithfully, when they were forced to choose between worshiping God or the false god of the Chaldeans, they took a stand (which infuriated the king, Nebuchadnezzar) and refused to bow and worship his idol.


“If you do not worship, you shall be cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.  And who is the god who will deliver you from my hands?” – DANIEL 3:15


Christians are challenged, at times, to compromise their walk with God.  We are told by a godless society that if we don’t adhere to the world’s beliefs (bowing to its idols), there will be dire consequences.  It is during those times that we have the opportunity to either bow or to stand, trusting that God’s grace is truly sufficient for everything in our lives.

The three Jewish youths chose correctly.  They told the king,


“If that is the case, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.  But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will be worship the gold image which you have set up.” – DANIEL 3:17-18


Were there consequences for making that stand?  Yes.  Nebuchadnezzar commanded that the furnace be heated seven times hotter than before, and threw the three youths in.  Taking a stand for Christ may infuriate the world, and it may respond in fury.  But it’s at those times where the opportunity to see God’s grace revealed occurs.

Nebuchadnezzar looked in the furnace and saw not three, but four men in there…who was the fourth man?


“I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” – DANIEL 3:25


The three youths made a stand and God showed Himself strong as their deliverer.  Verse 27 testified that when the three were examined later, “they saw these men on whose bodies the fire had no power; the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them.”

Not only did their trust in God bring deliverance, but it was a strong testimony to King Nebuchadnezzar and others.  In the end, the king decreed that anyone who spoke against the Jewish youth’s God would be cut in pieces and their houses made an ash heap.  Why?  “Because there is no other God who can deliver like this.” (verse 29)

God’s relentless grace is His willingness – His eagerness – to use all of His ability on our behalf.  As we trust Him and receive that grace-gift, it is a testimony to the world of who God is, who we are in Him, and who He can be to them if they’ll receive God’s grace-gift of Jesus too.

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