Giving: A Vital Sign of a Healthy Believer

Written by John Culbertson

Feb 18, 2021

Giving is a sign of a healthy believer; it reflects a Christian’s nature because every Christian’s nature has been changed to be like Jesus, right?  If God is a giver and we’re in Him, we’re givers.  Consequently, I’m not to withhold things for myself; I’m to ask God what I’m supposed to do with what I have.

When I talk about giving, I’m not necessarily talking about giving money; it could be our money, but it could be our time, our resources, our skill or our knowledge…whatever!

The most well-recognized scripture in the Bible is probably John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  But how many people look at the next verse?

“God has no intention to condemn anyone – He sent His Son, not to be the Judge but the Savior of the world.” – JOHN 3:17 (MIRROR)

Which Messiah Are You Looking For?

Let’s put this verse into context.  John 3 talks about a secret meeting that took place. A Pharisee named Nicodemus came to Jesus at night to ask Him about His ministry.  Nicodemus probably met with Jesus this way because if the other Pharisees knew he was meeting with Jesus – known as a radical – it could have been affected his status with them.

Nicodemus came to Jesus acknowledging He was from God.  In John 3:2, he told Jesus, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”  (Many in the area saw the miracles that were taking place through Jesus.)

But he didn’t understand the Gift that Jesus was because that Gift was different than what he thought it would look like.  The Jewish people were looking for was a messiah to show up and rescue them from the rule of the Romans.  They thought the messiah would be a military leader who would give them vengeance.  But instead, Jesus showed up as the Gift of Love.

It’s understandable why the Jewish people would expect a military leader:  Throughout history, peoples were normally set free because of a military leader rising up.  Deliverance came not from peace, love, kindness, goodness, etc. (see Galatians 5:22-23), but from might and force.

So, let’s look at John 3 in context to that.  Nicodemus had watched Jesus minister – seeing His spirit of love and witnessing miracles occurring – and he asked Jesus the question, “What’s going on?”  Look at Jesus’ response:

“Jesus answered him emphatically; “No one would even be able to recognize anything as coming from God’s domain unless they are born from above to begin with!  The very fact that it is possible to perceive that I am in union with God, as a human being, reveals mankind’s genesis from above!” – JOHN 3:3 (MIRROR)

Consider these words: “No one would even be able to recognize anything as coming from God’s domain unless they are born from above to begin with!”  We used the terms “saved” and “lost” to describe Christians and non-Christians.  People are “saved” from what?  From being lost.  So, if someone is “lost,” what does that indicate?  Former possession!

“If someone is lost, what does that indicate?  Former possession!”

I can’t lose the keys to a brand-new Corvette because I do not have a brand-new Corvette.  I could lose my billfold, though, because I actually have one.  It’s mine…it’s my possession.  So, whenever we look at people and say they’re “lost”, what does that indicate?  It shows that they are possessed by Someone.

Nicodemus didn’t understand all that!  Jesus had given him answers to questions he didn’t even know he had.  Jesus was leading Nicodemus to salvation, to be able to recognize everything he had believed had been built on a shaky foundation of self rather than a firm foundation on the Rock.  In order for Nicodemus to change his mindset, he had to recognize the Gift right in front of him and recognize that his life was not his own.

Jesus had to use something the Pharisee would understand as an Old Testament scholar.  In John 3:14-15, Jesus reminded Nicodemus “how Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so the Son of Man will be lifted up.”  It’s a lesson out of Numbers 21.

In the Numbers 21 account, thousands of Israelites were dying from serpent attacks.  God had Moses lift up a bronze serpent on a pole and instruct the Israelites to gaze upon it.  Anyone who had been bitten by the serpent who gazed upon the bronze snake was healed and lived.

Jesus told Nicodemus, “Just like Moses lifted up the serpent and people who gazed upon it would be healed, so I will be lifted up!”  The Gift of healing was being lifted up for all to see.  “That’s just what is going to happen with Me,” Jesus told Nicodemus.  “In the same prophetic pattern, I will be lifted up for all to see and be equally persuaded in the echo of the life of the ages now redeemed within them!” (John 3:15 MIRROR)

Imagine that!  Jesus – the Son of God manifested on earth – took time to have a one-on-one conversation with Nicodemus to help him see the Gift.

That’s our example.  Jesus took the time to turn people away from the seen world and show them that the unseen world is more important and eternal.  That’s love…that’s giving.

To watch or listen to the entire Feb. 14, 2021 message on which this post was based, click here.

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