Chain Breakers

Written by John Culbertson

Feb 17, 2022

Chain Breakers

“The completed work is what I’ve done.  That’s why I can call you My daughter or son.  As you walk in Me, you’ll see that all I say is be free…free from what was, free from what others have said, free from what you have thought yourself.

For I have brought you to a place where I see you as a completed thing in Me. A work that is free, a work that is complete, a work that has joy, a work that has hope.  I see the plans I have for you, not what man has said about you.  So this is what I want you to know: A complete work is what I’ve done, and that is why I call you My daughter or son.” – Prophecy given Feb. 13, 2022

I am a chain-breaker. If you’re a Christian, you’re a chain-breaker. We are chain breakers. The chains that have tried to hold you in bondage are going to be broken off of you, because you have been set free!

We are starting our new sermon series, and we are calling it Chain Breakers. Over the next few weeks, I’m going to be identifying some of the chains that have tried to hold you in bondage, but I want to set the basis for having the power to break any chains.  The core scripture I’m using is 2 Timothy 2:8-9.

“Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel, for which I suffer trouble as an evildoer, even to the point of chains; but the word of God is not chained.” – 2 TIMOTHY 2:8-9 (NKJV)

Remember Jesus Christ

I think Paul was dripping with sarcasm when he called himself an “evildoer” – that’s what some religious leaders called him – but the rest of the scripture has an amazing amount of insight.

First, not that the word of God is NOT chained.  God comes into a believer and sets them free – breaks the chains – so they can live the life God has called them to live.  We need to REMEMBER and remind ourselves of this.

Second, note that Paul uses both the words “Jesus” and “Christ”.  There’s a reason for that.  There are times in Paul’s writings where he would only use Jesus or Christ, but here he’s using both together.  Why is this?

When Paul uses the name Jesus, he’s talking about the humanity of God.  When he uses the word “Christ” (meaning “the Anointed One”), he’s talking about His divinity.  So here, Paul is telling Christians to remember Jesus Christ in His completeness. This is important because Paul talks about a Christian’s union with God here. Verse 1 of 2 Timothy 2 in the Passion translation reminds us, “live your life empowered by God’s free-flowing grace, which is your true strength, found in the anointing of Jesus and your union with Him!”

Why is knowing this union is important?  Because you realize that whatever is His is yours! Everything Jesus has access to, you have access to!  Jesus – in His human form – conquered sin.  He lived a life that made a difference.  He did what the Father said to do, where to go and what to say. He was not chained from doing that.

If He did it – in His physical human form – we can do it.  Paul preached the Gospel and that broke the chains of religion off of those who heard it. Because of what Jesus did, we are redeemed from sin and saved by grace (Ephesians 2:8).  Religion will try to tell you that you need to DO something more than believe…but that’s just a religious chain.

The fact is, the grace of God is the CHAIN-BREAKING force that empowers us to live free of any chains that try to hold us down! He makes us chain breakers.


Watch the Feb. 13, 2022 message on which this post is based by CLICKING HERE.

Click here for another message in the chain breakers series.

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