Like Faith-Full Abraham

Like Faith-Full Abraham

We’re continuing our series, “Faith-Full” and my message is “Like Faith-full Abraham”. When you talk about faith and being faithful, you can’t exclude Abraham; he is the father of faith. He’s the first one in the Bible who really began to expound on what faith is, how...
The Perfect Law of Liberty

The Perfect Law of Liberty

There is freedom in the perfect law of liberty.  (There is Freedom is the name of our current series.)  Freedom is not withheld or hidden; it’s available to anyone who needs it. You want to be free in every area of your life, not just some areas, right?  Then you need...
The Best Robe

The Best Robe

The Best Robe refers to the robe given to the prodigal son in Luke 15. We’ll get to that in a bit. Over the past few months, we’ve talked about A New Me, who we are in Christ. It’s truth that was established even before the foundation of the earth. It was anticipated...
The Best Robe

A New Me: Real Deal Unveiled

I’m a new me. When I heard the gospel, something was unveiled to me. I had been unhappy, unfulfilled and full of sorrows. But that changed when the real deal unveiled that Jesus paid the price for me. It’s an amazing truth! “I have been crucified with Christ and I no...