Breakthrough: Abundance!

Breakthrough: Abundance!

Abundance isn’t just financial; abundance is a provision in every area of our life. 2022 is our year of BREAKTHROUGH! That said, it’s interesting how many things have already happened in the short time 2022 has been around! One of the main things we dealt with...
Breakthrough: Abundance!

Year of Breakthrough – Head to the Stronghold

We’ve been talking about breakthrough in 2022 for Hope City Church and have been using as the core scripture 2 Samuel 5:19-20; this is where David inquired of God, asking “Shall I go up against the Philistines?”  God responded that He would...
Breakthrough: Abundance!

2022: Your Year of Breakthrough

In December, as I prayed, God clearly spoke to me about 2022 and the direction of our church.  He said that 2022 was our year of Breakthrough! Everyone has areas of their life where they need a breakthrough.  Whether it be healing, finances, breaking addiction,...
The Time Has Come for Hope, Joy and Peace!

The Time Has Come for Hope, Joy and Peace!

A Christmas, we focus in on the fact that the time has come for us to have hope in Christ.  It’s not only having hope, but peace and joy, regardless of our current circumstance. People who don’t have a relationship with Jesus don’t understand how we...
The Secret Ingredient – Thanksgiving

The Secret Ingredient – Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time you get together with family; hopefully, it’s a time when you think about what you’re thankful for.  It’s a time (though it’s should be all year long) when we express our thankfulness to God. “No, dear brothers and...