A New Me – The Real Me (Part 2)

A New Me – The Real Me (Part 2)

When we look at circumstances of life, sometimes we think we’re getting an F grade with God. But the Real Me (which is A New Me!) knows differently. The Real Me knows it’s not all about what’s happening TO us in life; it’s about what God has done FOR us, IN us. We get...
A New Me – The Real Me (Part 2)

A New Me: The Real Me

Our series “A New Me!” is to help you realize who you really are once you’ve been made new in Christ, what He’s called you to do, and who He’s called you to be. This message is “The Real Me.” How can you live out who you are…the real you? So many times, we say,...
A New Me – The Real Me (Part 2)

A New Me!

We’ve started a new series called A New Me! and our core scripture is Galatians 2:20. “So here I am dead and alive at the same time. I’m dead to the old me I was trying to be and alive to the real me which is Christ in me. Co-crucified, now co-alive. What a glorious...
Chain of Self-Centeredness

Chain of Self-Centeredness

Most people in life have a chain of self-centeredness. They’re so focused on themselves and so blinded to everyone else. They want everyone else to be “fixed” instead of themselves (so their life would be better), while all the time God is telling them to be the one...
Chain of Self-Centeredness

The Chain of Fear

The chain of fear… A word that’s been coming up a lot in my spirit is the word “settled.” If you believe something and you know it to be true, it’s settled and there’s no doubt. The problem comes when we don’t settle things and we leave a little room for the...