All In

All In

All In We are continuing our series All In! It is an excellent time to be at Hope City! God has been calling us to walk closer, and we have responded. We are a hungry church, and we want more of God! Sometimes, it can be hard to believe that God wants us to be close...
You are a V.I.P. in the Kingdom!

You are a V.I.P. in the Kingdom!

You are a V.I.P. in the Kingdom! This month, we start a new sermon series called V.I.P.  We all know what that stands for, right?  It stands for Very Important Person. I have good news for you.  In the eyes of God, we are ALL very important people.  We are so...


We’re in our Faith-Full series, and today I want to talk about Vision, the Vision of Hope City Church. God is faithful – He is faith-full – to not only provide a Vision but to provide the means to fulfill that Vision. As Hope City Church, I want to convey where we’re...


We’re starting a new series call Faith-Full. See, God is faithful! He’s not only faithful, but He’s full of faith, and He made us in His image and His likeness…so WE’RE supposed to be full of faith! Here’s the core scripture for this series: “Let us hold fast the...
Free To Be On Fire

Free To Be On Fire

I’m concluding the There is Freedom! series with the message, “Free to Be on Fire!” Remember, 2022 is our year of breakthrough. See, there’s freedom in breakthrough. If you’re in a prison cell, there’s no freedom because you’re contained, but when you break through...