Flexibility: A Vital Sign of a Healthy Believer

Flexibility: A Vital Sign of a Healthy Believer

“Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?” – ROMANS 9:21 (NKJV) Over the years, I’ve always been troubled by this scripture (and the verses surrounding it).  We know from Isaiah 64:8 that...
Flexibility: A Vital Sign of a Healthy Believer

Prayer: A Vital Sign of a Healthy Believer

The most common word used for “prayer” in the New Testament is the Greek word proseuche. It refers to having ourselves in a face-to-face conversation with God; it’s stating a desire, request, vow, promise or issue. The word “worship” comes from the Greek word...
3 Sets of Men

3 Sets of Men

Change is inevitable; it’s always going to occur. So, as I move away from the role of Senior Pastor, with John Culbertson filling that role, I want you to see that the important thing is being obedient to the Holy Spirit. As we look at some leadership transitions in...