A Stand Brings THE MAN

A Stand Brings THE MAN

We’re finishing up our Faith-Full series and today’s message is “A Stand Brings THE MAN.” The core scripture we’ve used is Hebrews 10:23, which says in the New King James version, “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who...
Window Shopping

Window Shopping

Are you window shopping? Is that a good thing or bad? We’re about to find out. Let me lay some groundwork first. In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus quoted Isaiah when talking about Himself. One of the things He announced was that He was anointed “to proclaim the acceptable year...
Chain of Double-Mindedness

Chain of Double-Mindedness

Chain of Double-Mindedness Double-mindedness can become a chain; but if we trust God, that chain can be broken. It is amazing how quickly the opinion of people can be swayed due to double-mindedness. One of the most well-known examples of this occurred the week...
Your Time Has Come for Salvation!

Your Time Has Come for Salvation!

Last week, our guest speaker spoke on Time and how we use time because we are redeemed.  Since Jesus redeemed us, we should redeem the time He has given us! It’s quite a time in history right now, and God is looking for a people who aren’t afraid of...
The Secret Ingredient: Often Overlooked

The Secret Ingredient: Often Overlooked

At Hope City, we’ve been talking about the God side of things for a long time: how good God is, His character,  His nature, His purpose, etc.  It’s been important for you to understand that we don’t just serve a good God, but a spectacular God!  He...