Healing is GOOD!

Healing is GOOD!

Hope City has really been emphasizing what God’s Word says about healing over the past couple of months.  But let me be very clear with something here:  All the messages you’ve heard don’t exempt you from the attack of the enemy; he’s still...
Healing is GOOD!

Pursuing Healing

God is no respecter of persons; He doesn’t pick and choose.  Jesus died for everyone, once for all time for all humanity.  So when it comes to God’s promises (and we’ve been talking about healing the past several weeks), there’s no question if...
Healing is GOOD!

Provoking the Supernatural for Healing

Let me make a statement that might surprise you…spiritually-speaking, you only have the right to what you pursue. Society today has this thing called “entitlement”; people think they deserve something and that others need to bring things to them...
Healing is GOOD!

Healing Is Here – If You Say So! (Part 2)

Do the realize that no one who Jesus healed was born again at the time?  (That’s a pretty obvious fact, if you think about it, since Jesus hadn’t been crucified for humanity’s sin yet, but it’s still worth noting.)  In fact, if you read through...
Healing is GOOD!

Healing Is Here…If You Say So!

Does everybody have full 100% manifestation of healing in their body?  It’s a question people have difficulty answering at times.  We have some work to do, laboring to rest in God’s promise of healing. We’re not the sick trying to be healed;...