Hope City’s Weekly Broadcast

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at Noon CST

If you’re looking for additional spirit-led teachings and a community of fellow believers to enhance your life throughout the week, join us LIVE on YouTube with Pastor John Culbertson every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at Noon CST.

Engage in real-time with the broadcast, chat with others, and interact with that day’s speakers. Click HERE to explore our “Hope For You” playlist to catch up on past episodes. We look forward to having you with us each week!

Featured Episode

What is Hope City?

Listen to this featured episode where we interview Pastor John and learn about his personal life, professional career, and his time in ministry. We also learn about the heart of Hope City and the mission/vision God gave Pastor John for Hope City.

What is Hope City? Interview With Lead Pastor - John Culbertson

Oct. 29, 2024

Discover Hope For You

Why We Need Faith: Unlocking Hope & Purpose

Youth Leader Skylar & Emily Denton

Hope For You With Special Guest: Brother Tracy Harris at Freedom Conference '24

Pastor John Culbertson & Brother Tracy Harris

Start Listening Today!

Today, you can start listening to hundreds of past episodes of Hope For You on our YouTube channel. Make sure your YouTube notifications are turned on so you can watch every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at noon when we go LIVE. See you in the chat!