The Secret Ingredient: Often Overlooked

Written by Pastor Dale Culbertson

Nov 25, 2021

At Hope City, we’ve been talking about the God side of things for a long time: how good God is, His character,  His nature, His purpose, etc.  It’s been important for you to understand that we don’t just serve a good God, but a spectacular God!  He is great and awesome in power!

But it’s also important that we understand what our response and responsibility is to Him.  So what should be our response?

“What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?” Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him Whom He sent.” – JOHN 6:28-29 (NKJV)

Our believing in Jesus has to be a continuous, ongoing lifestyle!  And showing that belief needs to be by doing His desires on believing, not just ours.

Chess Pie vs. Cherry Pie

I have a friend who periodically makes me a chess pie (my grandmother used to call it an egg pie).  Chess pies are rich and sweet and ridiculously delicious!   It’s my favorite pie.

Years ago, there was another person who attended our church who told me, “I’m going to bake you a pie!”  I said, “okay” and she made me a cherry pie.  I really don’t like cherry pie.  Nevertheless, I told her thanks and took the pie home.  A few months later, the woman made me another pie…another cherry pie.  Finally, I said to the lady, “I appreciate your doing this for me, but I’m really not crazy about cherry pie.”  She responded, “Okay.”

So some time later, the lady brought yet another pie.  What flavor was it?  Cherry.

My point is, when we come into God’s presence, we ought to give Him what He likes, not what we like.

Let me give an example: Sometimes, we’ll get into a worship service and we’ll get all excited and so we start clapping (applauding) God.  God’s not against you clapping, but His favorite is for you to give Him verbal praises.  And we certainly have much we can proclaim about how good and awesome He is!

Praising God – the way He desires – is easier when things are going well; but, what happens when things in our lives become a challenge?

Patience and Endurance

Matthew 10:22 reminds us that “he who endures to the end will be saved.”  That secret ingredient is often overlooked.  The word translated “patience” or “endurance” is the Greek word MAKROTHUMEO.  It’s the quality that does not surrender to circumstances or give up under trial.  It’s the opposite of despondency and it’s associated with hope, love and faith.

It’s in times of trial that we must exhibit patience and endurance, continuing to praise God and be thankful to Him.  That’s an attribute of love!  Part of the definition of love found in 1 Corinthians 13 is that “love suffers long”…it’s patient and enduring.

Let’s not overlook the Secret Ingredient!  It will help us on the path of having belief in Jesus as an ongoing, continuous lifestyle.


To watch the Nov. 21, 2021 message on which this post was based, CLICK HERE.

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