Provoking the Supernatural for Healing

Written by Adam Auten

Oct 21, 2021

Let me make a statement that might surprise you…spiritually-speaking, you only have the right to what you pursue.

Society today has this thing called “entitlement”; people think they deserve something and that others need to bring things to them “just because.”  Young or immature individuals tend to have that kind of thinking; but when they grow up, they realize that entitlement is not reality.

In reality, you have to get out there and work for everything you want.  Advancement is a choice; it’s something you have to pursue.  Comfort and a belief in entitlement can be an enemy to your life and future.

“Advancement is a choice…comfort can be an enemy to your future.”

God created us with a desire to move, to look forward to each season of life.  It’s not that we don’t appreciate the season we’re in and where God has brought us, but it’s equally important to be excited and pursue where God wants to bring us.

This process of advancement applies in areas of healing.  You want your health to get better, for your life to advance in that area.  One thing to understand is that having a stronger life requires you being a stronger you.  How does that happen?  You have to pursue it.  You have to provoke.

Advancement is Not An Accident!

God has done everything that He’s going to do regarding redemption (with health and healing being part of that redemption).  Think about it:  On the Cross, Jesus said, “It is finished!”  After He was resurrected, He went and sat down at the right hand of Father God.  Heaven doesn’t owe us a thing!  It’s already been done.  You and I have options and choices to make to access the things that God has already provided.  God doesn’t decide who He’s going to bless and who He’s not going to bless.  It’s our option to ACCESS the blessings that God has already released.

We aren’t waiting on Heaven (entitlement); Heaven is waiting on us to provoke it.  Everything that I have is because I have pursued it properly or long enough.  Spiritual advancement requires a natural decision.

I have to make natural decisions to change the environment around me.  The TV I watch, the music I listen to, the people I “do life” with – my environment – are all based on my decisions.  When I make the right decisions, I begin to access the things that God has for me.  You have to rearrange your schedule and make time for it.

Advancement is not an accident and results are the proof of our pursuit!

My wife had many many options when it came to a spouse…but I pursued her (and I’m so glad I did!).

There’s a fatal attitude humans have (Christians included if we don’t watch out): It’s the attitude that says, “If it’s supposed to be, it will be.”  If you give just an ounce of thought to that, you’ll realize just how ridiculous it is.  By that belief, there’s no reason for doctors…”If I break my arm, I guess I’m just supposed to have it.”  There’s no reason to take medicine…”If I feel bad, I guess it’s just the way it’s supposed to be.”  If you have a sickness, there’s no reason to believe God for healing.  Taken to the ultimate extreme, “I guess there’s no reason to live sin-free or to repent, because if I do something I guess that’s just the way it’s supposed to be!”  Totally foolishness!

“I tell you the truth, whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” – MATTHEW 18:18

These are Jesus’ words…He’s showing us the options, but WE have to chose!  God is not deciding for us!  We are called to provoke God by our words and actions!  The word “provoke” literally means, “to call into action; to arouse; to excite.”  It can be for good or for bad.  It will all depend on your choice to advance, to pursue a stronger life in Christ…to pursue Jesus so that you experience a life of health and healing in His domain!


To watch the full Oct. 17, 2021 message on which this post is based, CLICK HERE.

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