Healing Is Here – If You Say So! (Part 2)

Written by John Culbertson

Oct 14, 2021

Do the realize that no one who Jesus healed was born again at the time?  (That’s a pretty obvious fact, if you think about it, since Jesus hadn’t been crucified for humanity’s sin yet, but it’s still worth noting.)  In fact, if you read through the Gospels you’ll see that most everyone He prayed for didn’t try to ask for forgiveness.

There’s no report in scripture that the people Jesus prayed for repented, that they actively tithe or attend synagogue on a regular basis or do the things that you’re “supposed” to do in order to obtain healing.  But then, healing is not about what we do, but it’s about what He did.

“Not about what we do but it’s about what He did.”

The love, forgiveness and giving nature of God is such that He won’t withhold something from us because we’ve messed up and He’s angry or disappointed.  We must get this truth rooted in our hearts, and it needs to be what comes out of our mouth.

I’ve said before that the law of confession works both positively or negatively.  It’s always working.  Luke 6:45 reminds us that what you say flows from what’s in our heart, and we also know that faith comes by hearing so to determine the direction we want our life to go, we need to point our confession in that direction!

Lego and Antilego

Let’s talk about Legos for a minute.  Aside from the fact that they’re little pieces of plastic that really hurt when you walk on them barefoot, they are building blocks.  The actual word lego is Greek for the word “said.”  It can be found in Mark 5:28 which records a woman with an “issue of blood” seeking out Jesus:

“For she SAID, ‘If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” – MARK 5:28 (NKJV)

The word “lego” means “to lay forth or relate in words a systematic or set discourse.”  In other words, you’re very methodical in your everyday conversation…you say the same thing.  The woman with the issue of blood didn’t just wake up one morning and say, “Hmm…Jesus is nearby; I think I’ll touch His clothes and get healed.”  No, this woman had been not only thinking about this for a while, but her everyday confession was that “If I can touch His clothes, I will be healed!”  It was what was in her heart and she expressed that regularly.

That confession and faith in Jesus – that lego – was the building block of her miracle!  All sorts of people were pressing up against Jesus, but when she touched his clothes, He immediately knew that power had gone out of Him.

There was a difference between the crowds and this woman…she had built her faith and confessed her belief in Jesus on a regular basis!

This can happen negatively as well…

“But to Israel He says, ‘All day long I have stretched out My hands to a disobedient and CONTRARY people.” – ROMANS 10:21 (NKJV)

Here, the word “contrary” is the Greek word antilego.  It means “to speak against; to contradict” and “to put oneself in opposition to.”  The Apostle Paul is writing to the Romans about Israel and how they were rejecting the Gospel.  Part of the Gospel is that healing is part of our redemption!  There were people who spoke against that truth and put themselves in opposition to it; in doing so, they actually put themselves in opposition to Christ.

They were being antiChrist.

You may not intend it, but when you reject God’s Word – God’s promises – you’re standing against God.  And the report you choose to believe will determine the results you’ll receive!

James 4:6-7 reminds us that “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”  Being humble is accepting what God says; being proud is saying, “I know better than God what truth is; I choose to exalt my beliefs over God’s.”

I encourage you to let God’s promises be the building blocks of your life.  Get in agreement with His will for you in healing and every other area of your being.  Healing is here, if you say so!


To see the full Oct. 10, 2021 service on which this post is based, CLICK HERE.

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