Freedom Is Here: Join the Resistance!

Written by John Culbertson

Aug 5, 2021

Freedom is here.  2 Corinthians 3:17 tells us that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom…so why not get where He is at and experience freedom all the time?  It’s a core scripture we’ve been using last month and this at Hope City.  But while studying about freedom, my mind went to one of my favorite Star Wars movies: Rogue One.

If you’re familiar with the Star Wars universe, this movie takes place as a prequel to the original Star Wars film, “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope.”

The heroine of the story, Jyn Erso, becomes a member of the Rebel resistance after her family was killed by Empire forces.  At a time when most of the leaders of the Rebel alliance think victory is impossible, she bravely proposes a plan to steal the schematics to the planet-destroying Death Star so they can find a way to end its reign of terror.

Most of her peers saw the strength of the Death Star and questioned what anyone could do about it.  But Jyn’s response was profound:

“What chance do we have?  The question is ‘what choice’?  Run, hide, plead for mercy, scatter your forces?  You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission. The time to fight is now!”

In the face of an enemy’s attack, we have to fight!  If we don’t fight, we’ll never have victory; and if we never have victory, we’ll forever be hopeless.  As Jyn said, “We have hope. Rebellions are built on hope!”

Rebellions are Built on Hope!

Jesus came to give us hope; He is the ultimate freedom fighter!

See, this world wants to keep you moving in a certain direction without resistance…just float downstream in the current it’s set.  But the only way to stop is to find a firm place and stand, turn, and face up to the current, fighting against it.

Anyone who’s done rafting or canoeing in a river knows that unless you plant yourself, you’ll get washed away.  Turn and face the current.  In life, you could say, “Turn and face what is happening.”  Like what Pastor Dale said last week, you have to rouse yourself – stir yourself to action…you have to get yourself up and ready to fight.

See, the enemy of humanity keeps wanting to push you in a single direction…a direction where he is able to take from you.

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.  I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” – JOHN 10:10 (NKJV)

You can see examples of this all around you.  There are people who seek after money so much may look like they’re wealthy; yet inside they’re poor, dead and dying.

People bound by drugs think the drugs make them feel good, but it’s just for a moment and the fact is, the drugs are slowly killing them.

There are all kinds of things in this world that pull at you.  They may look attractive, but they’re ultimately taking from you.  God, on the other hand, gives life and never takes something from you in order to get you something.  He just gives it.

Why do I encourage you, “Join the Resistance”?  The word “join” means to become linked or connected to.  When it comes to God, that’s a good thing!  I really want to encourage you to watch the message from August 1, 2021 but if you want some really great insight being joined with God and just how powerful that is, go to 1:29:26 of that message!  It rocked my world – in a good way – when I discovered it!

When we realize just how vitally connected we are with God, we are able to confidently put our feet down, turn and take a stand against the current of the enemy’s attack.

The word “resistance” means, “the refusal to accept or comply with something; the attempt to prevent something by action or argument.”  Remember, Jesus is the ultimate freedom fighter!  He is the head of the resistance!  Join Him!  We already know that He has won against the enemy…so join up!

In Rogue One, Jyn’s heroic actions gave the rebellion the tools needed to destroy the evil Death Star. When you join the resistance – let your light shine in the darkness, knowing the resistance has already won – you can bravely turn and fight the enemy’s current.  You can take a firm stand!  You can walk against the current and help others to do the same!

Join the Resistance!

To view the entire August 1, 2021 message on which this post is based, CLICK HERE.

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