Live In the Light (Part 1)

Written by John Culbertson

Sep 25, 2020

It’s a great thing to realize that Jesus lit up the world.  Not only did He light up the world, but He put a light inside of you.  We need to learn to live in and with that Light.

Because the Light of the world, Jesus, is in us, we’ve got a lot of light to shine!  It’s the Light that saves, redeems, and heals the world.  It’s the Light that has made people righteous and justified and will set people free.  But they must know about this…and that’s where it’s up to us to let our light shine (Matthew 5:14-16).

Going out and ministering and seeing people get transformed, this is what it’s all about!

Today, there are three things that I want you to know:

The Light in You is Enough to Overcome Anything

How can I say this?  It’s because the Light is Jesus and He already overcame everything.  When it comes to overcoming, we’re not trying to obtain something; we’re holding on to what He’s already given us and we’re not going to let the enemy take it from us.

Take healing for instance: It’s ours.  We’re going to hold on to that healing because it’s already been given.

The Light is to be Shared with Others

We’re to let the Light shine.  If people don’t hear about Jesus, how can they know they can be transformed.  You may not be a pastor, but you can certainly tell your story about what Jesus has done in you.  If you’re born again, you already have enough revelation to tell someone, “God loved me as I was – even when I thought I wasn’t worthy – and He saved me…and He can do the same for you.  How can I say that?  Because the price that He paid for you is the same price that He paid for me.  That price was Jesus on the Cross.”

The Light Destroyed the Sin Problem

The sin “problem” is not a problem with God.  “Religion” will hold you onto sin and your actions; but grace will set you free from that and you’ll look to the actions of Jesus.  Look to the One Who saved and redeemed and took it all on the Cross for you.

The Light of the World destroyed the darkness that people were in.  The Light was and is.

“The Light of the World destroyed the darkness that people were in.”

When John the Baptist was born, his father, Zechariah, prophesied about Jesus (Luke 1 records this).  In verse 77 (Mirror Bible), Zechariah said Jesus would come “to endue us with the knowledge of salvation, for everyone to become fully acquainted with their forgiveness and their release from bondage to the distortions of sin.”

Part of the knowledge of our salvation is that we become fully acquainted with our forgiveness.  And we’re released from the false image we had of ourselves – the lies that held us captive thinking we were trapped and couldn’t do enough to get out.  Jesus said, “I’ll do everything you need to do.”  God restores our mindset so we see ourselves the way God sees us.

Verse 78 says “The understanding of the tender affections and goodness of God is the conduit, sourced from on high, in which the dawn of His gaze will arise within us like the sun.”  The understanding of what God’s done for us will arise in us like the sun coming up over the horizon…it just keeps getting bigger and bigger and brighter.

To listen to the message from which this post was based (September 20, 2020), click here.

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