A City Of Hope
1001 N. Main St. | Sundays @ 10 a.m.
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About Us

Our desire is to help you know God, find freedom, discover purpose and know that you’re able to make a difference in and through your life. Understanding why a living relationship with Jesus is important is part of that process. We hope you’ll take advantage of what Hope City Church has to offer; discover what’s available by making use of this site. We look forward to you becoming a part of the Hope City family.

Sunday Service

Sunday at 10 a.m. is our main worship service. Grade school children (Grades 1-5) sit with parents during worship, then are dismissed to the Activity Center. Childcare is available for newborns through kindergartners in the Hope City Pre-School/Nursery wing of the main building.

The Victorious Life: Wednesday Night Bible Study

Join us every Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM at Hope City Church for a spirit filled bible study about how to live a victorious life in Christ! This bible study takes place at the same time as Hope City Kids and Hope City Youth, so feel free to drop off your kids and/or teens and then head over to the conference room in the main building for class! After class, you’ll have the opportunity to head over to the Activity Center and purchase dinner or a snack! Class is primarily taught by Apostles/Founding Pastors Dale & Dana. It’s a great time and we would love to see you!

Pop-Up Grill

Pop-Up Grill is Hope City’s weekly feeding program. Join us every Friday at Noon for a free, warm meal! In the colder months, Pop-Up Grill takes place inside of our Activity Center. We will be serving soups, chili, and more! Once the weather warms up, we will move outside and serve hot dogs and hamburgers. Volunteers entirely run our Pop-Up Grill; if you’d like to be a part of serving at Pop-Up Grill, let the church know, and we will find a place for you!

Freedom Conference '25

Introducing… Freedom Conference 2025!! Mark your calendars for July 16th-20th! We are so excited to be hosting our annual Freedom Conference again here at Hope City. This will be a life-changing week as we recieve more revelation about our freedom in Christ! We will have guest minister’s joining us on our weekly broadcast “Hope For You”, along with morning and night sessions. You won’t want to miss this! Click “Learn More” for more details.